Board of Directors

Metropolitan's boardroom setup for an upcoming meeting

Board of Directors

We are governed by a 38-member board of directors, representing each of the district’s 26 member agencies. Each member agency is represented by one or more directors based on the assessed property valuation of its jurisdiction. The board is responsible for establishing and administering Metropolitan’s policies and upholding the articles in the MWD Act.

Our board typically meets on the second Tuesday of each month, with committee meetings occurring on the Monday preceding the board meeting and the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.

Standing committees of the board: Audit Committee; Engineering, Operations & Technology Committee; Ethics, EEO, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee; Executive Committee; Finance, Affordability, Asset Management and Efficiency Committee; Legal and Claims Committee; Legislation and Communications Committee; One Water and Adaptation Committee and Organization, Personnel and Effectiveness Committee.

Subcommittees of the board:  Subcommittee on Long-Term Regional Planning Processes and Business Modeling.

Ad Hoc Committees of the board: Ad Hoc Committee on Ag and Tribal Partnerships; Ad Hoc Committee on Communications and Facilities Naming; Ad Hoc Committee on Executive Performance and Ad Hoc Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity Investigations.

Agendas, live streaming, meeting schedules, and other board materials are available here. A listen only phone line is listed on each agenda.

Members of the public may provide comments to the Board on matters within their jurisdiction:

  1. To participate via teleconference, call 1-833-548-0276 and enter meeting ID: 815 2066 4276. Instructions are also located on the Committee and Board agendas.
  2. If you have technical difficulties with the live streaming page, a listen-only phone line is available at 1-877-853-5257 and enter meeting ID: 891 1613 4145.
  3. Written comments/questions are to be sent to [email protected]


Searching for Submitted Public Comments

To locate submitted written public comments, please click here  and then click on the "Search Agenda Items tab and select the "Submitted Items and Responses" in the dropdown box.

Meet our board.

View our current board of directors.

View our current board meetings and agendas.

Addressing the Board

Committee and board meetings are open to the public. Members of the public have a right to address a committee or the board on matters within the jurisdiction of that committee or board. Matters that are not on the agenda cannot be acted upon or discussed by the board.

The board has the discretion to limit the public input on any item based on the number of people requesting to speak and the business of the board. Members of the public addressing the board or a committee are limited to three minutes at each meeting. Organizations have a total time limit of five minutes if more than one representative wishes to speak.

Request to speak cards have to be submitted to board support staff before the start of the meeting. Speaker cards are available in board and committee meeting rooms.

If members of the public have handouts for board consideration, 60 copies must be provided to board support staff before the meeting. Whether or not handouts are distributed to members is at the discretion of the board or committee chair.

Members of the public may provide comments to the Board on matters within their jurisdiction:

  1. Teleconference instructions are located on the Committee and Board agendas
  2. In person located at 700 N. Alameda Street Los Angeles, California 90012
  3. Written comments/questions are to be sent to [email protected]

Please submit any written requests to [email protected] at 213-217-6291 for any questions.

Visitor Screening

To ensure the safety of attendees at public meetings at Metropolitan’s downtown Los Angeles headquarters building, visitors will be required to pass through a security screening (metal detector and baggage scanner) and check in at the security reception desk. This protocol applies to all visitors (including members of the public) who enter the building on board and committee meeting days.

Please allow up to 15 minutes for security clearance procedures.

Meet Our Board

Board Officers

Adán Ortega, Jr.
Adán Ortega, Jr.
Chair of the Board
Lois Fong-Sakai
Secretary of the Board
Michael Camacho
Michael Camacho
Vice Chair of the Board
S. Gail Goldberg
Vice Chair of the Board
Nancy Sutley
Vice Chair of the Board

Board Members